
House of Courtyards Upstate NY




3000 sf


Columbia County



House of Courtyards Upstate NY



This villa on a sprawling 12 acres site is designed around a calibrated sequence of exterior and interior spaces to take advantage of the spectacular, gently sloping wooded site. The floor plan organization and the large sliding doors, allow the house to expand and contract according to the seasonal changes. Openings and walls, frame and focus the interior views toward the mountains in the background and toward a large natural pond. More interior images upcoming.


“The House of Courtyards, a new Columbia County house, is a refined living space in the heart of a secluded wooded plot […] Planned around a courtyard and covered outdoor spaces, but unified through form and material, The House of Courtyards is a contemporary take on the cabin in the woods.”

“The ethos of the Alepreda studio uses craftsmanship combined with digital modeling to produce a poetic aesthetic language that highlights the tactile sensations and richness of handmade processes. This approach is made evident by the multiplicity of personalized elements, both in the structural characteristics and in the selection of furnishings: the rooms are enlivened by vintage pieces and objects produced on a small scale with traditional carpentry techniques, designed by the architect and made by the Miduny brand.”


Wallpaper*, AD Italia


Site Planning, Architecture, Interior Design, Landscape, Permits & Approvals, Web Design


Alessandro Preda, Nicola Brasetti
Structural: Ian Pendleton


James John Jetel

House of Courtyards Upstate NY


In-Between Spaces

The spaces between interior and exterior hold the quiet magic of blurred boundaries. Here, the sense of enclosure feels soft, breathable, ambiguous—a boundary that connects rather than dividing.

More than In-Between Spaces

Synchopated Rhythm

This theme reappears, at different scales, throughout the project, creating a system of resonances with the surrounding forest. Boards and battens facade, Boiserie, custom concrete pavers, vanities.

More than Synchopated Rhythm

House of Courtyards Upstate NY

“The House of Courtyards, a new Columbia County house, is a refined living space in the heart of a secluded wooded plot […] Planned around a courtyard and covered outdoor spaces, but unified through form and material, The House of Courtyards is a contemporary take on the cabin in the woods.”

The property is accessed from above through a winding byway.
A house in the woods.
View of entry.
View of a secondary bedroom from the front Courtyard.
The main courtyard.
Living Room. The vertically fluted boiserie resonates with the tree-truck outside. The pattern, metaphorically, continues across the windows, connecting the interior and exterior.
Custom kitchen. The materials include white oak, soapstone, and handmade ceramic tiles.
The stair is entirely built of locally sourced white oak.
Soapstone fireplace.

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Primary bedroom overlooking the courtyard.
En-suite bathroom.
En-suite bathroom. The Bardisio marble frames the exterior natural environment.
Front courtyard framing sky and trees.

Site Plan

Site Axo

Building Axo

North Elevation

South Elevation

West Elevation

East Elevation

Ground Floor Plan

Basement Floor Plan

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