Civic Scaffold
Civic | Governor’s Island, NY| Competition
The Civic Scaffold pavilion for Governor’s Island re-purposes the support materials of the construction industry to create a structure for civic activity. Scaffolding systems form the supporting material of buildings in progress. Once complete, these temporary supporting materials disappear, erasing the trace of their crucial role in the building process. The ephemerality of scaffolding systems emphasizes the final product at the expense of the process.
Civic Scaffold creates a hub for social activity using materials that are typically discarded at the end of a building project: scaffolding planks, construction fence boards, tarps and utility spools. The frame and board structure of the typical sidewalk shed is inverted, providing exterior seating around the perimeter of the pavilion while creating an interior promenade. A gap in the pavilion creates an ample courtyard for larger gatherings. Civic Scaffold is a place for performances, lectures, workshops, and events that gather the public together. Throughout the summer, programming would support the never-ending process of building a community.
Alessandro Preda, Daniel Hui